Lunging: An important part of any owner’s horsemanship toolbox

Have you ever called your vet up for a lameness exam? Or maybe you noticed that your horse’s gait looked a little off?

Then you probably saw that one of the first things your veterinarian asked you to do was walk back and forth with your horse. Your vet may have asked you to lunge your horse for a couple of minutes too.

Lunging is a tool used by your veterinarian to assess your horse’s gait and look for any abnormalities or lameness. But lunging isn’t only a tool to be used by your veterinarian; it is a wonderful tool for you as an owner.

Lunging is a great way for your horse to safely let off some steam before a ride and to connect the rider before any contact is made. When lunging your horse it is crucial that are always assertive in your expectations and remain in control of the exercise. This is a great opportunity to work on ground manners and respect. Your horse will show you respect by maintaining an appropriate distance between you while also following your lead in pace and direction.

Contact your veterinarian if you are concerned about any potential lameness or you feel that your horse’s gait is off. They will be your best resource for determining if there is an underlying issue or need for further evaluation.


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